We do not publish a list of our members nor share members’ contact details with our partners or third parties

We have over 1100 single family office members globally. We do not publish a list of our members nor share members’ contact details with our partners or third parties

Keith Johnston (Co-Founder)

Keith Johnston runs SFO Alliance on a day-to-day basis. He has spent nearly twenty years in the wealth sector and ten years specialising in the single family office sector. Prior to that Keith was Director of Communications at STEP, an international network of private client practitioners. Keith began his career as a professional lobbyist and studied military history at Glasgow University.

Lex van Dam (Founder)

Lex began his career at Goldman Sachs in NY and London in 1992 where he ran the proprietary trading desk. In 2002 he moved to GLG partners where he ran the European Opportunities Fund. Since 2006 he has been with Rinkelberg Capital, a Dutch SFO based in London where his current focus is on sourcing investment deals.